We look forward to welcoming all of our students on the first day of school on September 1, 2021. Please note the new school hours at our elementary and middle schools for this year. Memorial and Clough Elementary School Hours 9:00-3:15 (8:45-9:00 drop-off) Miscoe Hill Middle School Hours 8:05-2:40 (7:55-804 drop-off) Nipmuc Regional High School Hours 7:30-2:00 (7-7:25 drop-off)
about 3 years ago, MURSD
First Day of School 9/1/21
Clever badges have been reset for the 2021-22 school year, and new ones will be issued this fall. If you would like to continue using Clever, please use the log-in with username/password option. Enter the name of your child's school and select the "Active Directory" login option. Then, use your child's MURSD username/district password to access their account. Questions? Email Dave Quinn at DQuinn@mursd.org.
about 3 years ago, David Quinn
MURSD Budget Update: A Mendon Special Town Meeting is taking place Monday, August 9th at 6pm in the Miscoe Hill Middle School gymnasium for the purpose to vote on the recertified school budget. Our Nipmuc NHS students will provide childcare in the upper gym at Miscoe during the meeting. If the budget is approved at this meeting, then there will be no need for a Joint Town Meeting on August 12th.
about 3 years ago, MURSD
We look forward to seeing our Mendon voters at the Mendon Special Town Meeting this coming Monday, August 9th at 6:00pm in the Miscoe Hill Middle School Gymnasium to vote on the recertified school budget.
about 3 years ago, MURSD
We are thrilled to be offering a Youth Mental Health First Aid Course for parents/guardians and community members on Saturday, May 22nd at Nipmuc High School from 9:00-3:00. ​Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is a public education program which introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. The course teaches participants the risk factors and warning signs of a variety of mental health challenges common among adolescents, including anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders, AD/HD, disruptive behavior disorders, and substance use disorder. If you are interested in attending the training, please register using this link: t.ly/0xC5 Please direct any questions to Dr. Maureen Cohen, Assistant Superintendent, mcohen@mursd.org.
over 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Youth Mental Health First Aid
All MURSD Parents and Guardians are invited to a Blackstone Valley Curriculum Consortium sponsored workshop tonight from 7:00-8:30pm. with internet safety expert Katie Greer. This 90 minute workshop will provide advice for having real conversations with your child to foster a positive online experience for your family, with suggested restrictions and rules. Here is a direct link to tonight's presentation: https://uxbridge-k12-ma-us.zoom.us/j/82582139138?pwd=bnA3N1E4RGdqTlZESHRwWWNLNk1PQT09
over 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
We see reports of Google outages across the northeast. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/26/internet-outage-east-coast/ If you are experiencing an issue with MURSD Google services, it is likely due to this service interruption. If we have more information to share, we will pass it along as soon as we have it.
almost 4 years ago, David Quinn
Join us tonight (12/15) at 7:00 PM for a MURSD Tech Town Hall for elementary parents. We'll cover a range of topics including Clever access, screen sharing, parental controls and your questions. The meeting will be livestreamed and then posted on the MURSD YouTube channel later. You can access the webinar at https://mursd.zoom.us/j/87915701377?pwd=b0tzRHRlcDlHQnJWam9tL2JHNmpYdz09
almost 4 years ago, David Quinn
Google has resumed normal functionality after an outage earlier today. If you are still experiencing any issues, please submit a ticket via our MURSD iPad Help Desk Request Form https://forms.gle/bx7dg5GnwdApT3YY6
almost 4 years ago, David Quinn
We are aware of the Google service interruption and are monitoring it closely. The issue is on Google's end. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we await a resolution.
almost 4 years ago, David Quinn
The latest MURSD tech update can be found at https://tinyurl.com/MURSDTechUpdate. Didn't get the message in your inbox? Be sure to add no-reply@mursd.org to your email contacts.
about 4 years ago, David Quinn
​Here is the survey for next weeks boxed meal pick up. https://forms.gle/Q6J5AD8beMjczrHj7 If you have any questions, please email Food Services Director Dianne Mucci dmucci@mursd.org
about 4 years ago, Dianne Mucci
Does your child have an MURSD-issued iPad? Click the the link below for important information regarding summer tech support and planning. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W5qkyQ2MrGtBVAxUkYOaCRVCJDMg9XKQHOz1yFzN0l4/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, David Quinn
Today we begin MURSD Remote Learning. The plan and schedules may be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_7jS9TgKhFpSZJXzqI9STwLo4-F8axFBLrlCaE-cjSY/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak
For a high-level overview of the MURSD Remote Learning Program, please watch this brief video: https://youtu.be/BnL1J3z-M1M
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak
Clough and Memorial Parents - Need a Powerschool Parent account? Sign up here: https://forms.gle/4858msvE3Tequoei6 Email to parents 3/27/2020 - https://5il.co/e7uz
over 4 years ago, MURSD Technology
This afternoon Gov. Baker announced that all public schools in Massachusetts will be now be closed until May 4. With this additional closure, the MURSD will adapt & share our refined plans for remote learning very shortly. Stay safe and healthy... we need you.
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak
Learn more about the MURSD's Extended Learning Program as we navigate through the current COVID-19 crisis. The times are challenging, but we remain committed to meeting our learners' needs. View here: https://youtu.be/P3z9jXOpabQ
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak
Does your household need a device or access to high speed Internet so your student may access online learning resources? If yes, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/rm9LCAQhKPYoTw86A
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak
The superintendent's update regarding school closures in the MURSD for 3/15: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/619196/MURSD_Coronavirus_Updates.pdf
over 4 years ago, Joseph Maruszczak