Today we begin MURSD Remote Learning. The plan and schedules may be found here:

For a high-level overview of the MURSD Remote Learning Program, please watch this brief video: https://youtu.be/BnL1J3z-M1M

Clough and Memorial Parents - Need a Powerschool Parent account?
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/4858msvE3Tequoei6
Email to parents 3/27/2020 - https://5il.co/e7uz

This afternoon Gov. Baker announced that all public schools in Massachusetts will be now be closed until May 4. With this additional closure, the MURSD will adapt & share our refined plans for remote learning very shortly. Stay safe and healthy... we need you.

Learn more about the MURSD's Extended Learning Program as we navigate through the current COVID-19 crisis. The times are challenging, but we remain committed to meeting our learners' needs. View here: https://youtu.be/P3z9jXOpabQ

Does your household need a device or access to high speed Internet so your student may access online learning resources? If yes, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/rm9LCAQhKPYoTw86A

The superintendent's update regarding school closures in the MURSD for 3/15: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/619196/MURSD_Coronavirus_Updates.pdf

"Grab & Go" Lunches for students start tomorrow, 3/16, from 11:30-12:30 @ Nipmuc's main entrance. If you are interested, pls fill out this link so we know how many lunches to prepare. Txs! https://forms.gle/sTyPpAJGrUG74uuH8

The MURSD will be closed for the next two weeks (March 16-27) due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Please see the notification from Supt. Dr. Maruszczak here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/617169/MURSD_Coronavirus_Updates.pdf

Please read the Superintendent's latest update regarding COVID-19: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/616030/MURSD_Coronavirus_Updates.pdf

Happy Daylight Saving Time! Just a reminder that the Open Budget Hearing for the FY21 MURSD Budget is tomorrow, 3/9 at 7:00 pm in the Nipmuc Auditorium. Please come to learn more about this budget which is critical to our students' continued success.

Due to some icy road conditions, there will be a 2-hr delay in the MURSD, today, 2/6/20. Be safe and give yourself extra time!

There will be no school today, Tuesday, 12/17 in the MURSD due to the timing of the storm and the expected icy road conditions. Today will also be an ASL Day- so students should consult Google Classroom for assignments or their sent home assignments.

Two hour delay in the MURSD today, 12/11. No morning pre-K. Drive safely out there!

Want to learn more about the MURSD's facility needs and budgetary planning to meet them? Attend tonight's MURSD Budget Subcommittee meeting- 7:00 pm in Room 224 of Miscoe Hill MS.

No school in the MURSD today, Tuesday, 12/3 due to the timing of the storm and current road conditions. Take care!

2-hr delay in the MURSD tomorrow, 12/3 due to this two-part winter storm. Will reassess in the AM, and if a cancellation is warranted, I will let you know by 7 am. Stay safe and warm!

No school in the MURSD today, 12/2, due to the storm and potential change to sleet/snow in the PM

2 hr. delay in the MURSD tomorrow, 12/2.... Will reassess in the AM for a potential cancellation if needed

MURSD Budget Meeting on Nipmuc & Miscoe Athletics- Tuesday, 10/29 at 7:00 pm in the Miscoe Auditorium. Please come and learn about our vision, strengths, and needs!